Bharathiar University
(A State University, Accredited with “A” Grade by NAAC.
Ranked 13 th in NIRF, 801-1000 in TIMES and 801-1000 in Shanghai Ranking)
Coimbatore 641046
Bharathiar Cancer Theranostics Research Centre – RUSA 2.0
Recruitment of Temporary Technical Officers / Last Date
Technical Assistants / Programmer / Lab Attender 23rd AUGUST 2021
The Bharathiar University (BU), Coimbatore has been ranked as 13th among Indian Universities, placed between 801-1000 in TIMES
and 901-100 in Shanghai World University rankings. Fourteen of its faculty members are in World Top 2 % Scientist category and two
of the faculty members are in the list of highly cited researcher list of Clarivate Analytics. It also has several laurels in terms of
National and International rankings and awards. It also has a DRDO-BU Centre for Life Sciences to execute the interdisciplinary
research for Country’s defence sector. Now, the University is establishing another interdisciplinary centre named Bharathiar Cancer
Theranostics Research Centre in a holistic manner involving experts from various fields. The centre is to be established with
laboratories housing state of art facilities to undertake research on Cancer. It envisages to document the unexplored
traditional and tribal therapeutic methods practised to tap the potential solutions for the disease. As a part of this centre,
University likes to recruit Temporary Technical Officers / Technical Assistants / Programmer / Lab Attender with the attached
The duration will be initially for one year which may be extended to one more year.
Selected candidates will receive a consolidated monthly salary:
Technical Officer: Range from Rs. 25,000/- to Rs. 50,000/-.
Programmer: Rs.36,000/-
Technical Assistant: Rs.10,000/-
Lab Attender: Rs.5,000/-
Additional Information
The University reserves the right to screen and call only eligible candidates for an interview as are found suitable. Thus, just fulfilling
the minimum eligibility criteria would not entitle one to be selected.
The candidate is responsible for the correctness of the information provided in the application. If it is found at a later date that any
information given in the application is incorrect or false, the candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated.
How to Apply
Candidates should apply using the format available in the website. The following documents are required along with the application.
(i) Filled–in– application available in the website.
(ii) Full Curriculum Vitae
(iii) At least two and up to five important publications (For Technical Officers)
(iv) Any other relevant information of the applicant may like to furnish
The filled-in-application form along with the required documents must be sent to the Director, Internal Quality Assurance cell (IQAC),
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 641046 and soft copy should be emailed to: “[email protected]”. For any further information
related to this, please contact the Phone: +91-422-2426228.
S.No Name of position No. of posts Qualification/Eligibility criteria
1 Technical Officer 1 Ph.D. Biotechnology with experience
in DNA sequencing and data analysis
in NGS platform
Technical Officer 1 Ph.D. Physics/Nanotechnology with
experience in Biosensors
Technical Officer 1 Ph.D. Chemistry / Physics with
experience in handling lifetime
spectrometer and Circular Dichroism
Technical Officer 1 Ph.D. Life sciences with experience in
handling Animals and Imaging system
2 Technical Assistant 1 M.Sc. Biotechnology/Bioinformatics
with experience in DNA sequencing
and data analysis
Technical Assistant 1 M.Sc. Physics with experience in
handling high end equipments
Technical Assistant 1 M.Sc. Chemistry with experience in
handling high end equipments
Technical Assistant 1 M.Sc. Nanotechnology with
experience in handling high end
Technical Assistant 1 M.Sc. in Biological Sciences with
experience in handling high end
Technical Assistant 1 M.Sc. Physics/Nanotechnology with
experience in handling high end
Technical Assistant 1 M.Sc. Biochemistry with experience in
handling high end equipments
Technical Assistant 1 M.Sc. Life sciences with experience in
handling high end equipments
Technical Assistant 1 M.Sc. in Life sciences with experience
in handling high end equipments
/ Bachelor in engineering, or a related
- >One to three years of experience in
software development
- >Proven experience with languages
(Java, C++, VB.NET, Python, Java,
jQuery, Java script good Knowledge)
- >Familiarity with HTML, PHP, CSS,
SQL, Python and JAVA
4 Lab attender 1 12th pass with Science Group.