Job description:
We are looking to employ aPhysics teacher with an outstanding track record of teachingPhysics lessons to students from Elementary School through to HighSchool. The Physics teacher will be responsible for the teaching ofreading, writing and speaking skills.
Toensure success as a Physics teacher, the candidate must bequalified in English as a first language. The Physics teacher mustpossess a pleasant disposition that will enhance the learningprocess. Ultimately, an outstanding Physics teacher should engagestudents in meaningful and fun activities, creating an environmentconducive tolearning.
Physics TeacherResponsibilities:
- Teachbasic skills including reading, writing, andspeaking.
- Composelesson plans in order to successfully incorporate the full durationof eachlesson.
- Executelessons efficiently using different styles of teaching depending onthecontent.
- Engagestudents to ensure a lively classroomatmosphere.
- Instructstudents about the structure and content of the Physicslanguage.
- Teachstudents the spelling of words, and theirmeanings.
- Emphasizethe rules of composition, grammar and sentenceconstruction.
- Teachstudents the correct pronunciation ofwords.
- Teachstudents to think critically when studying literature andpoetry.
- Teachstudents to analyze and question media reports, advertisements, andnewsreports.
Physics Teacher Requirements:
- Bachelor s,Masters degree and B.ED in English andeducation.
- Minimumof 2years experience in a teachingrole.
- Mustbe a First language Englishspeaker.
- Theability to compile lesson plansefficiently.
- Theability to execute lessons with meaning, in a fun, andengaging.
Salary20,000 to 28,000/-PM
Physics Teacher Requirements: Bachelor s, Master’s degree and B.EDin English and education. Minimum of 2years experience in ateaching role. Must be a First language English speaker. Theability to compile lesson plans efficiently. The ability to executelessons with meaning, in a fun, and engaging.